How to Articulate Your Problems Properly?

There are people, to whom, you like to open up to a great degree. It's a general proclivity to open up because you don't want your things to die within you, and also to get a little bit of help or you probably want your good things to share to gain importance and to have contentment. Here we talk about sharing problems with someone.

                The problem begins when you rarely have someone to talk, to about your stuff. And sometimes you get people to talk to but they don't resonate with most of the things that you understand or give value in life. Another problem, and probably the utmost one is the lack of patience to hear. It's hard to find people who would listen to you properly, and then with their thinking ability, process your words into their mind, and eventually come up with a logic. That should be the way. There is a high possibility that people will give you wrong advice if they neither listen to you properly, nor consider your stance properly.

Also, some people listen to the words you say but always interrupt you in the middle. Sometimes they want to attach their point to criticize you without even figuring out your standpoint properly or to sound smart or to win over the context (mentally formed competition) or sometimes they are frustrated with the way you explain things.


                 You ought to tell your words in a manner that people can understand what you are saying. Do not try to sound smart. If you find yourself doing it, take a pause and then start communicating. 

                  Also do not share a fictional story. Some people are blindly influenced by movies, other people's stories, and whatnot. And this blind influence takes away their ability to think critically. Because they used to believe the things that are being sold to them.

               Now, some people genuinely have problems that may resemble a movie or it can be worse than that. People can have problems. But, I am not indicating them.

               Some people play fairy tales in front of others (which are probably coming from their influences) and they pretend to be in misery. But most of the time they are just emphasizing their bad condition to gain attention, and sympathy or they are probably playing the victim card and so on.

Tell exactly what you feel and what changes are you observing in that condition. It may not be possible sometimes because of numerous reasons. Sometimes you have to be diplomatic and not share all the things with everyone. Fine! But, be truthful in describing your condition to those whom you want to describe.

Also don't stretch the matter. Try to be succinct. Don't use vague and unfitting similes or metaphors. Try to be more articulative. Because words are like weapons if you know how to use them correctly it's a boon for you; otherwise, they can destroy you in seconds.

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