Ego vs. Self-esteem

Ego vs Self-esteem
Ego vs Self-esteem

In our childhood days, we were not much aware of our capabilities, and we were going with a vague vision of the future. As we start growing, we start realizing our potentials, strengths and we start being clear about our future.

Well! This is the normal cycle and it's not mandatory that it can be found in everyone.

Now many of us taste accomplishments and many of us taste failures and many of us taste both. Here, when people start getting accomplishments, some of them build ego in themselves, and by the course of time they boost it up. They forget who they truly are and start boasting.

Ego vs Self-esteem

Ego is the process of comparing yourself with others. You start absorbing pleasure by minimizing someone and on the other hand, when you meet a better person than you, you start being envious.

Ego vs Self-esteem

These are the mild stages of ego. Some people cross this over and indulge in fights, crimes, etc. But those are the extreme conditions.

Ego vs Self-esteem
High self-esteem

Now you may think if I don't have confidence in myself to compete with others then what will I do in the future?
OK. Now you should think, there's a stark difference between ego and self-esteem. Ego is something when you compare yourself with others and self-esteem is something when you compare yourself with your past self. Self-esteem is the thing that demonstrates your progress. You may not be successful in the eyes of the world but you are successful in your own eyes. And that is the most crucial thing. When you have high self-esteem, you don't become jealous or egotistic. Rather you surround yourself with positivity.

Ego vs Self-esteem

So instead of building ego, focus on self-esteem, self-confidence. Think of winning rather than defeating someone in the competition. So rather than diminishing people for their mistakes start praising people for their achievements.


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