Harsh Truth of Life

Harsh Truth of Life

When we were in our childhood days, most of us were unaware of the harsh and unfavorable truths. As you start coming across with these, it strengthens your soul and your values and updates your version.

Life is not only for pleasure and not only for pain. It is the amalgamation of these two.

The long route you'll cover, the more you'll realize the hurdles and the pain. You can not conceal it.

Harsh Truth of Life

Life is not a bed of roses. Even those roses have thorns.

When we go through those rigorous and wretched circumstances, we tend to be burned out, frustrated, demoralized, depressed, anxious; even the spirit within us weeps.

Harsh Truth of Life

Some of us are struggling in our careers; some are running to get a job; some are suffering from financial problems or mental disorder, health hazards, insecurities; some are finding secure shelter, enough food, and proper attire to live in peace and serenity; some are finding purpose, meaning, love, decent appreciation, maybe some are striving beyond these.

Literally, I mean literally, nothing can make you happy if you're not willing to be. I've tried this a couple of times. Also whenever I tried to keep myself in peace and tried to be happy, I tend to be happy most of the time. Even in your most dismal times, you somehow able to make your mind peaceful.

[▪︎ Also read:- click here ]

Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, beautifully said,
    "If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present."

                                                                                -So deep! Isn't it? And you also know it is not easy to live in the present all the time. In wretched times, we tend to lose our mind and consciousness, and it also leads to negative consequences. You may have someone or at least yourself to dwell for. Set goals for the ensuing life, re-build your hope and get out of the trauma. I know it's not easy but without a goal, life is irrational. Discover how you can do the things and eventually you'll end up being fulfilled(if you want to be).

Harsh Truth of Life

Obstacles, pain, these are just speed breakers along the way, and your end goal is your destination. Also if your end goal is based on a materialistic thing, you can not be happy. In the end, everyone wants happiness or fulfillment in any situation, at any cost. So move on and take the first step today.

And remember,
             "If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering."
                                                           -Viktor Frankl


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