Do you think, you are unlucky?

Do you think, you are unlucky?

Often we judge our life and blame the destiny or luck. People tend to be sad and unhappy because of multiple failures and wretched circumstances and often they tend to give up.

Before you judge or give up, know that there are more miserable sufferers than you. So get relaxed and calm. Every chapter is not happy or romantic. There will be failures, there will be pain. I know you are going through a pretty tough situation and loosing hope.

Do you think, you are unlucky?

Wait, brother and sister! You know, you are NOT a loser, you can't give up so easily. Everyone falls but you have to get back up, only then you can triumph over failures. You need to get up, re-engage, move forward. Stick to your work, work ethically and smartly.

Do you think, you are unlucky?

And by the course of time, you'll realize that every chapter is also not tragic or dismal. When you will get out of the storm, you will see the sun. Now you will realize that if there is something like destiny or luck, you have the authority to get control over it.

And remember,
                 "If you are crying because you have only one piece of bread, there are people who sometimes don't have the fortune to witness that piece before sleep."

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