Anger Management

Anger Management

Anger(😡) is an emotional state of our mind and it's a very normal phenomenon. Everyone gets anger at some point of life and that is okay. If someone is saying that I don't get angry, he/she is lying trust me. You can't deny that you are also a human being just like others. Now that doesn't mean get angry spontaneously.
There are some times when not getting angry is unusual. If someone is bullying or harassing you without a cause then anger is natural. When something is happening you don't want or something is not happening you want, you get angry, frustrated. Some people rarely get angry and some are short-tempered and it also depends on the situation.

Anger Management

In angry state our palms get sweaty, we feel a little heat on our neck, our face and nose become reddish, blood pressure increases etc. These are the common reactions that can be seen in our body.
Sometimes we get hyperactive and crazy and often stretch out a rebel. Sometimes it brings horrifying and destructive consequences. In the extreme cases murder, suicide etc take place.

Anger Management

Now listen to me carefully, no matter how angry you are you can pacify it. Remember in school or in office when your teacher, boss or any superior scolded you, did you scold or slap them back? I guess your answer must be NO. Because you were well known with the ensuing consequences, you knew that if you did this, you might have thrown out of the school or company. It simply indicates that anger can be in control.

• Next time whenever you get angry, try to stand in front of a mirror and observe yourself, your anger will decrease to a certain level.
• You can go to a hollow place and scream.
• Inhale for 4 seconds then hold it for 7 seconds and exhale complete through your mouth to count of 8 seconds. Repeat it 3-4 times.
             and more but all of these are temporary solutions.
The permanent solution is to vigilantly think that whether is to get angry or not, it is in your hands. Also promise that you will not fiercely react to everything that is said to you. If you can do this you will reach to a grand level.

The great martial artist Bruce Lee said these golden lines,
            "You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass."
                                          -Bruce Lee


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