Don't Judge Anyone

Don't Judge Anyone

Sometimes we become so much frustrated with some persons. We judge them without having any idea of what they are going through. But we need to address that we can't be right all the time. Maybe that very person is going through pretty tough situation, maybe he/she is suffering from physical, mental, neural, financial problems. But we don't look at the positive approach. Remember you always need to think about your limitations. Relationship doesn't mean ownership.

Sometimes some persons lie to us and somehow we get to know that he/she was pretending to be in wretched times. Because of these incidents, we tend to think that everyone else will lie to us. Our subconscious mind tells us that and we start judging them.

Don't Judge Anyone

Think, if you are working on an important project and you are getting anxious, frustrated. At that moment, if someone annoys you, will you remain silent?
NO? Then how can you say that the person is avoiding you or cursing you or cheating on you?

So, next time whenever you get trapped in a situation like this, utter some positive sentences in your mind like "Maybe he/she is busy," "Maybe I am disturbing him/her right now," "Maybe he/she is stressing out," "Maybe he/she is not available to talk freely," "Maybe I'm wrong here," etc.

                   "Don't be so quick to judge. You never know when you might find yourself walking in someone else's shoes. And remember the best apology is changed behaviour."
                                                    -Jay Shetty


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