Deal with Toxic People

Deal with Toxic People
Sometimes some people compare you with others and try to minimize you. Those people enforce you to believe that you can't do anything, you are a dumb or a gormless.


Now, before you investigate on them, ask yourself "WHO ARE THEY???"
If they are claiming something against you, simply ask them "WHY?", "WHY I CAN'T DO THIS?"
You'll see, most of them have no answer. Because, they don't have any explanation. They may be jealous of you, because they can't afford those things or may be they don't have guts.


But, there can be some people who might have the answer. Try to listen to their words carefully and examine their words vigilantly whether they are right or wrong.


Now, if you are feeling you are wrong, don't indulge in a fight with them. Because, they have shown you the possible aspects and that's okay. Keep calm and thankfully say them "Okay, I'll remember it" with a light smile.


Deal with Toxic People


Now, that doesn't mean, you need to show attitude or to forget their words. NO! Deeply think about their perspective, modify your plans, give more time to your work, enhance your knowledge about the particular work.
And remember,
Never Give Up, it what defines a legend.


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